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Ghana Climate Innovation Centre (GCIC) Launches The Climate Innovation Enterprise Network (CIEN) of Ghana

As part of an effort and process to impact the entrepreneurial ecosystem for entrepreneurs working in the green economy, and to provide a peer support and networking mechanism for entrepreneurs that have completed business incubation at GCIC, on the 17th October 2018, the Ghana Climate Innovation Centre launched The Climate Innovation Enterprise Network (CEIN) – an  association of businesses in the green economy that have successfully completed business incubation at GCIC.

The purpose of the Network is to create a national association of pioneering green business leaders and businesses that serve as a driving force for accelerated social, environmental and economic benefit through enterprise.

Launch of Climate Innovation Enterprise Network (CEIN) of Ghana

Eric Nyanteh, CEO of Translight Solar, and President of the Climate Innovation Enterprise Network (CEIN) of Ghana, during the launch expressed enthusiasm about the potential of the network and its role in promoting the development of scalable and sustainable businesses in Ghana.

Eric Nyanteh, President of the Climate Innovation Enterprise Network (CEIN) of Ghana

The objectives of the CEIN shall be to:

  • Pioneer clean technology and innovation – to develop scalable business solutions, and promote their implementation, for sustainable development
  • Promote sustainable business leadership – to change the way business leaders and their businesses interact with their communities by:
  • being committed to, and demonstrating, sustainable business practices and
  • individually and collectively exhibiting thought leadership that advocates for the sustainable economic, ecological and social development in Ghana
  • Champion policy advocacy and development – to spearhead policy development, statutory change as well as advocacy in climate business innovation in a manner that contributes towards sustainable development.

The Ghana Climate Innovation Centre (GCIC) is a pioneering business incubator whose objective is to support entrepreneurs and ventures involved in developing profitable and locally appropriate solutions to climate change mitigation and adaptation in Ghana. The Centre’s key focus is on building businesses operating within the areas of energy efficiency, domestic waste management, solar energy, water supply management and purification and climate-smart agriculture. GCIC is part of the World Bank Group’s infoDev Climate Technology Program. Supported by the governments of Denmark and the Netherlands, the Centre is managed by a consortium led by the Ashesi University and including Ernst & Young, SNV Ghana, and the United Nations University Institute for Natural Resources in Africa.


We owe it to ourselves and to the next generation to conserve the environment so that we can bequeath our children a sustainable world that benefits all.